The Best Buyer for your Business

When a business owner is asked who the most likely buyer is for their business, they will typically have a fairly good idea who the most likely candidates are, which normally fits one of the following profiles: i) a competitor who can’t access your market, client base, lacks certain proprietary differentiators or some other motivation; ii) a strategic buyer who would love to buy your technology, unique products, service, patents, intellectual capital, team, or maybe your reputation in the marketplace; or iii) the private equity group that has been courting you for years, or maybe even; iv) the Senior Manager in your Company who’s worked for you for 20 years and who, with the right financial backer, could buy, manage and grow the business.

How long does a Private Equity Group wait before selling your Company again?

Most people think of a private equity holding period as between 3 and 5 years, which could cause a significant and legitimate concern among business owners. However, there is no hard rule to apply to this asset class and to make a determination whether or not to consider a PEG as a prospective buyer based upon the median hold period, would be to make a one-dimensional decision.

How Much Should a Buyer Pay a Seller for Synergies of two Merged Businesses?

This is an interesting question and the answer has certainly changed over the years. Whereas synergies may have previously been credited entirely to the buyer’s benefit post closing, the trend has been for buyers to pay an increasing premium to sellers for some of the shared future synergies. In most strategic deals, there is now more…

Stock Buybacks at Unprecedented Levels – Good, Bad or Ugly?

U.S. Public companies are giving cash back to investors at unprecedented levels. Companies in the S&P 500 index are expected to pay at least $300 billion in dividends in 2013, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices, which would top last year's $282 billion. Is it a good thing? Does it help or hinder economic recovery? Help or hinder the business?

Is the Prospective Buyer of your Business Re-trading?

Re-trading is the fairly common practice of a buyer renegotiating the purchase price of a company after agreeing on price and terms. This article addresses the likely, causes and implications of a buyer attempting to re-trade.

Baby Boomers and Their Businesses – Implications for Mergers & Acquisitions in 2013 and Beyond.

The U.S. economy is at a critical intersection. Privately-held businesses have long been the driving force of the economy, and are now in a period of transition that has been building up for the last 50 years. Baby boomers own an unprecedented number of businesses and hold an unprecedented proportion of U.S. private wealth. Having propelled the booming U.S. economy since the early 1990s, baby boomers have now reached their peak in the consumer spending cycle.

Stock Markets Volatile – Time to Sell My Business?

We’re just coming off the back of a month when the Dow Jones lost almost 10%. Should this mean anything to you if you were planning to sell your business? We should try to separate perception and reality; future expectations and historical performance and discuss how they intersect.
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