Quality of Earnings when selling your company

Quality of Earnings (QOE) represents the most accurate representation of a seller’s true earnings by looking at a company’s historical revenue, earnings, and adjusted EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization). Historically, this will include normalizing revenues and expenses that are either non-recurring or not part of future operations. Other areas of focus include concentrations of risk from significant customer relationships, vendors, safety, information technology, environmental, insurance, key employees, and benefits. QOE will also consider future ...

Mergers & Acquisitions Report and Outlook Q1 2025

In 2024, the U.S. mergers and acquisitions (M&A) landscape experienced a notable resurgence, setting the stage for continued growth in 2025. Deal Volume and Value: Through September 2024, both private equity and corporate M&A deal volumes increased by 17% year-to-date compared to the prior year. Despite this uptick, momentum decelerated later in the year due to elevated uncertainty, in part related to the outcome of the presidential election. In 2025, consensus among analysts is for a ...

O.E.M. MANUFACTURING AND SALES acquired by a Strategic Buyer

OEM manufactures and supplies components and sub-assemblies to vendors of many of the world’s largest brand name original equipment manufacturers. The Strategic Buyer is a U.S. manufacturer and supplier with over 50 locations across the United States. The Strategic Buyer determined there was a strong fit with their strategic growth goals and the opportunity to capture OEM’s customer base, their manufacturing relationships in SE Asia and further expand operations through OEM’s foreign trade zone. OEM engaged ClearRidge to advise on acquisition strategy, manage the sale process and due diligence.

What’s next for Mergers & Acquisitions in 2023? ClearRidge M&A Trends and Outlook

While many anticipated a slowdown in 2023 with talks of a recession, we haven’t seen that in our central and southern region so far. At ClearRidge, we have had one of the busiest starts to any year since our founding fifteen years ago.  As we continue through 2023, we’re anticipating a further pickup in deal activity as there continue to be unprecedented levels of cash available for acquisitions, both from strategic and private acquirers.  Even in the event of a mild recession, company balance sheets are stronger now than when the US economy entered previous recessionary periods. With higher interest rates, companies have been committing more equity to ...

M&A Activity Diverges from Larger to Smaller Transactions in Q3 2022. What’s next for M&A in 2023?

Global M&A activity plummeted in the third quarter of 2022, but that was attributable to a decline in large transformational industry transactions. Volatile equity markets (that comprise many public company strategic acquirers), rising interest rates and economic uncertainty have weighed on M&A activity. However, for ClearRidge and our private company transactions ($20 Million - $100 Million in revenues), transaction volume has been robust in …
M&A Activity Diverges from Larger to Smaller Transactions in Q3 2022

Second Half 2022 M&A Outlook Drivers: Tax changes, Inflation, Economy, Interest Rates, plus industry sector analysis

Business owners may be contemplating selling in any given year but are often motivated by a trigger event to take action and sell. As discussed in our industry sector outlook research, many business owners are feeling now may be a good time to sell. The pipeline continues to be strong for new businesses coming to market. Analysts expect 2023 to …

2022 M&A Outlook Drivers: Tax changes, Interest Rates, Recession Warnings plus industry sector analysis

M&A transaction activity increased throughout 2021 and continues in 2022. Many private company owners are now working to close a transaction before year-end 2022 and avoid the uncertainty of a new economic, inflationary and tax environment in 2023.  There are three key reasons business owners are …
2022 M&A Outlook

M&A transaction activity is booming. With President Biden’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better plan, what’s the outlook for 2022?

Merger Acquisition transaction activity has been increasing throughout 2021. Many business owners have been working to close a transaction before year-end and avoid the uncertainty of a new tax environment in 2022. President Biden’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better (BBB) Act may soon become law, bringing tax reforms with it, but many of the plan’s initial tax proposals were …
M&A Outlook 2022

How will capital gains tax increases in 2022 impact M&A this year?

Business acquisitions accelerate in response to President Biden’s plan to double the long-term capital gains tax rate for those at the top, from 20% to 40%. When you include the 3.8% net investment income tax (NIIT) and some state income taxes, you could be looking at a 48% all-in capital gains tax rate by January 1, 2022. In this report, we discuss the biggest drivers of accelerated business sale activity, as well as analyze the outlook for eight industry sectors.

How does Biden’s $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Impact Mergers & Acquisitions in 2021?

We expect to see a list of proposed tax increases for businesses and business owners under the new Administration, possibly reversing 2017 tax cuts. The first tax increases are expected to roll out in 2022, but there’s a possibility a capital gains tax increase for the wealthiest Americans could take effect even sooner. Biden has also proposed closing the current …
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