Mergers & Acquisitions Report Q2 and Outlook for 2016

In this report, we review our region’s most active industry sectors and give an outlook for the remainder of 2016. The business mood and M&A environment remains positive and there continues to be demand from buyers for niche companies that are outperforming their competitors. There is no shortage of cash available for acquisitions; it is a matter of being able to

Mergers & Acquisitions Report Q1 and Outlook for 2016

We are in the second quarter of 2016 and deal data is now available through the end of the first quarter. In this report, we review our region’s most active industry sectors and give an outlook for the remainder of 2016.

Mergers & Acquisitions Outlook for 2016 and Q3 2015 Review

We are in the fourth quarter of 2015 and mergers and acquisitions data is now available through the end of the third quarter for business owners selling their company. In this report, we review our region’s most active industry sectors and give an outlook for 2016.

Section 338 Business Sale –Stock Sale, with Asset Sale Tax Treatment

What is a 338 Election? How would I use it when I sell my business? In a typical acquisition (using an S-corporation as an example), the seller seeks to maximize capital gains, on which they pay a lower tax rate, and the buyer seeks to maximize the present value of tax deductions. While this may be desired, there may be a need to effect the transaction as a stock deal rather than an asset deal.

Baby Boomers and Their Businesses – Implications for Mergers & Acquisitions in 2013 and Beyond.

The U.S. economy is at a critical intersection. Privately-held businesses have long been the driving force of the economy, and are now in a period of transition that has been building up for the last 50 years. Baby boomers own an unprecedented number of businesses and hold an unprecedented proportion of U.S. private wealth. Having propelled the booming U.S. economy since the early 1990s, baby boomers have now reached their peak in the consumer spending cycle.

Baby Boomers and Their Businesses. Implications for Mergers & Acquisitions in 2013 and Beyond.

November 30, 2012: Q3 2012 Baby Boomers and Their Businesses. Implications for Mergers and Acquisitions in 2013 and Beyond.

Filling a Void? Oklahoma Venture Capital and Growth Capital

According to participants in yesterday’s Bricktown Capital Conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma has a need for more robust venture capital, nurture capital and in some cases private equity, when an entrepreneur needs between $1 million and $5 million to fuel the growth of their business. For any higher amounts, out of state capital is targeting Oklahoma companies, and for amounts below $1 million, there are small business grants, loans, incentives, family money and even bootstrapping that can provide the required capital. It is the critical gap in between where we need to focus our efforts.
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