2022 M&A Outlook Drivers: Tax changes, Interest Rates, Recession Warnings plus industry sector analysis

M&A transaction activity increased throughout 2021 and continues in 2022. Many private company owners are now working to close a transaction before year-end 2022 and avoid the uncertainty of a new economic, inflationary and tax environment in 2023.  There are three key reasons business owners are …
2022 M&A Outlook

M&A transaction activity is booming. With President Biden’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better plan, what’s the outlook for 2022?

Merger Acquisition transaction activity has been increasing throughout 2021. Many business owners have been working to close a transaction before year-end and avoid the uncertainty of a new tax environment in 2022. President Biden’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better (BBB) Act may soon become law, bringing tax reforms with it, but many of the plan’s initial tax proposals were …
M&A Outlook 2022

How will capital gains tax increases in 2022 impact M&A this year?

Business acquisitions accelerate in response to President Biden’s plan to double the long-term capital gains tax rate for those at the top, from 20% to 40%. When you include the 3.8% net investment income tax (NIIT) and some state income taxes, you could be looking at a 48% all-in capital gains tax rate by January 1, 2022. In this report, we discuss the biggest drivers of accelerated business sale activity, as well as analyze the outlook for eight industry sectors.

How does Biden’s $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Impact Mergers & Acquisitions in 2021?

We expect to see a list of proposed tax increases for businesses and business owners under the new Administration, possibly reversing 2017 tax cuts. The first tax increases are expected to roll out in 2022, but there’s a possibility a capital gains tax increase for the wealthiest Americans could take effect even sooner. Biden has also proposed closing the current …

Surprises to selling a company in COVID-19

We had several acquisitions working in March when everything shut down and were not expecting to initiate any new engagements until late summer. However, we did start discussions on a new acquisition at the end of May. Surprisingly to us, the response was overwhelmingly positive and, as of last week, we have nine bona fide offers to acquire this company, five of which are at or above pre-COVID market value. How could this be?