How long does a Private Equity Group wait before selling your Company again?

Most people think of a private equity holding period as between 3 and 5 years, which could cause a significant and legitimate concern among business owners. However, there is no hard rule to apply to this asset class and to make a determination whether or not to consider a PEG as a prospective buyer based upon the median hold period, would be to make a one-dimensional decision.

Optimism Despite Strong Headwinds: Private Equity for Private Oklahoma Businesses.

Private equity has been in a lot of headlines lately … and many of those for the wrong reasons. Mitt Romney, a private equity success story, has brought unprecedented attention to the industry, amid political and public calls for sweeping changes to the tax treatment of their earnings; in an economic climate that has already hurt many private equity firms. In spite of all the negative press, a recent survey by, along with Rothstein Kass, has revealed a positive outlook from those in the business; at least according to their survey responses

Filling a Void? Oklahoma Venture Capital and Growth Capital

According to participants in yesterday’s Bricktown Capital Conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma has a need for more robust venture capital, nurture capital and in some cases private equity, when an entrepreneur needs between $1 million and $5 million to fuel the growth of their business. For any higher amounts, out of state capital is targeting Oklahoma companies, and for amounts below $1 million, there are small business grants, loans, incentives, family money and even bootstrapping that can provide the required capital. It is the critical gap in between where we need to focus our efforts.

Dividend Recapitalizations: Cash Alternatives for Private Equity

For those Private Equity Groups (PEGs) that own a strong portfolio company with high earnings and relatively low debt, they are increasingly turning towards dividend recapitalizations rather than selling ownership in their portfolio company in the short-term.
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