Mergers & Acquisitions Report and Outlook for Fall/Winter 2024

Mergers & Acquisitions Report The first half of 2024 demonstrated a dynamic landscape for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the United States. Despite macroeconomic uncertainties, including the interest rate environment and inflationary pressures, strategic consolidations gained momentum, driven by factors such as technological advancement, supply chain optimization, and market expansion. The first half of 2024 recorded ...

Increasing Merger & Acquisition Activity in this Election Year

A prevailing assumption is that a slowdown in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) occurs from October to December of an election year (and the following year depending on the party that is elected), but is that actually the case? Let’s first take a look at the last two previous election cycles...

Mergers & Acquisitions Report, News and Outlook for Q1 2024

In the central region of the United States, M&A activity has remained robust, but across the broader United States, activity was muted in the first half of 2023, picking up through the remainder of the year. Looking ahead to 2024, two factors that will likely bring greater activity: i) stabilizing interest rates contribute to higher valuations and/or higher activity, and ii) consolidation trends in many industries. For the first time in ...
Q1 2024 Outlook Mergers Acquisitions
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